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Artist Statement



A huge reason why I create the art that I create, is to express my thoughts without words. I often find myself unable to express events or thoughts with words, because honestly there are times where you just can’t say how you’re feeling due to an overwhelming amount of excitement, sadness, or confusion. That’s exactly what I try to convey in my work, to capture a moment that you cannot explain using words. My preferred works are of important people, places, or events in my life because I’m driven to make things that I am passionate about look better. The more passionate about the subject I am, the better the project is likely to turn out. The good things in life are the ones that leave us without words, but not without an open mind.


Most of my artworks are designed to display real life figures in an animated cartoonish way. This being that I want to have my work easily resemble a real life subject, but also have that hint of simple colors and shadows with it. I create this style by limiting my color pallet to only a few shades of one color. Too many different shades of the same color give off a more realistic shadow effect and takes away the simplistic style of art that I find appealing. This style usually takes about two weeks to complete depending on the subject of the project.


Most of my inspiration for photos or projects comes from a photographer named Austin Roa. Roa is a photographer who tours with various music artists and captures photos at concerts. Roa’s photography style is so unique because he doesn’t try to take portraits of people staring at the camera as if it is staged, he takes pictures in a way that captures the moment as if you were right there in the action. His pictures capture people’s natural emotions in the moment. This is what I do with my work, capture people with their true faces showing.

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